After uniting with Faith, you are assigned to a class based on your geographical location in the Atlanta area. This is done to further nurture you and to encourage fellowship with your church family. The class system is a fundamental necessity in the process of discipleship, which is a key component of our Methodist tradition.
Leader of Leaders
Jacquelyn Herndon
Class #1 Northwest Atlanta
Leader Shirley Gordon
Class #2 East Point
Leader Johnny Green
Class #3 College Park
Leader Delores Johnson
Class #4 Cobb County
Leader Betty Stephens
Class #5 Southwest Atlanta
Leader Cynthia Jones
Class #6 Southeast Atlanta
Leader Clara Gates
Class #7 Northeast Atlanta
Leader Daniel W. Wright, Jr.
Class #8 Ages 0-12
Leaders Sharon Ingram
Class #9 Ages 13-17
Leader Sadye Potter
Class #10 Leader’s Class